JOOLA Agassi/Graf Champion Pickleball Paddle Set

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  • Regular price $199.95
  • 2 available
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  • Pickleball is always more fun with a friend. Pick-up and play with the new Agassi x JOOLA Champion Paddle Set, designed to help beginners and new players enjoy learning pickleball and building their confidence on the court together. This exclusive set includes:

    • (1) Agassi Champion 12mm paddle, (1) Graf Champion 12mm Paddle: Designed for easy power, these paddles help you hit the ball with less effort, making it perfect for learning how to control your shots.
    • (3) JOOLA Heleus Balls: Durable and reliable for consistent play on any court surface.
    • A stylish sling bag: Keep your gear organized and take everything you need wherever you play.

    Paddles are UPA-A pro certified and USAP PBCoR .43 certified.